Dauphin Island Restoration project

Coastal Erosion

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District has partnered with Mobile County to enhance coastal resilience and habitats using dredged sediments.

Photo courtesy of USACE

This collaboration highlights the District’s commitment to sustainable dredged material management practices that benefit the environment and the community.

Earlier this year, the District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with Mobile County to beneficially use dredged material from the Mobile Harbor Deepening project.

This agreement formalized their partnership for the Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline & Habitat Restoration Project, a key initiative to protect and restore critical coastal environments.

As a critical component of this effort, the District is set to place approximately 800,000 cubic yards of material dredged from the project into the designated containment area along the causeway. This massive volume of dredged material will serve multiple purposes, including constructing and reinforcing rock breakwaters.

The Army Corps’ Mobile District has more on this project including a video about the newly constructed rock breakwaters along the Dauphin Island Causeway.