USACE: Thin Layer Placement provides sustainable management in Mobile Bay


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District has been at the forefront of implementing Thin Layer Placement of sediment as an innovative and sustainable method for managing dredged material in Mobile Bay, Alabama.

photo courtesy of USACE

According to USACE, this approach has become a cornerstone of the District’s strategy for maintaining navigable waterways while safeguarding the environment.

Thin Layer Placement is a strategic method used to distribute dredged material in open water at a depth of 6 to 12 inches. This approach is part of a broader sediment management strategy and is designed to support ecological recovery,” said Jenny Jacobson, USACE Mobile District Environmental & Resources Branch chief. “Placing material in such thin layers creates an environment that allows for the rapid recolonization of species, enhancing the resilience and health of the ecosystem.”

Approximately 6 million cubic yards of material are annually dredged from Mobile Harbor, with 4 million cubic yards explicitly coming from the Bay Channel.

This substantial volume underscores the scale of operations required to keep one of the nation’s key harbors operational, said USACE.

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