Boskalis Nederland kicks off work on Oosterweelknoopunt project

Business development

After more than two years of preparations, Boskalis Nederland has started the first works on the Oosterweelknoopunt project in Antwerp.

photo courtesy of Boskalis Nederland

The consortium Rinkoniên Oosterweelknoop, consisting of the companies Mobilis TBI, Artes Group, CIT Blaton, STADSBADER NV and Boskalis Nederland started the operations on August 19, with the placement of the first diaphragm walls for this new interchange.

The Oosterweel interchange is crucial for better accessibility to the Port and will be ready for use in 2030, said Boskalis.

Diaphragm walls are concrete walls formed in the ground to hold back groundwater. This allows us to excavate a dry construction pit in which the Oosterweelknooppunt will take shape. The Oosterweel junction makes the connection between the Scheldt Tunnel and the Canal Tunnels,” said the company.

These tunnels run under the Albert Canal and connect the future Oosterweel interchange with the submerged Ring (R1). Together with the interchange and the Scheldt Tunnel, the Canal Tunnels complete the missing link in the Antwerp Ring.