Ocean Reef Marina Breakwaters competing for the 2024 WA Earth Awards

Breakwater Construction

Ocean Reef Marina Breakwaters project from WA Limestone and Italia Stone Group Joint Venture has been nominated as the finalist for the 2024 WA Earth Award.

Photo courtesy of Nathan Whennen

DevelopmentWA engaged the JV to construct the breakwater and revetment structures with a combined length of 2km of seawall and 1km of revetment wall.

The work scope included reuse of existing breakwater material; placement of geotextile, limestone core armour and granite armour; and excavation of dredging areas.

Material supply was the biggest challenge for the project, with the management of importing 1.25 million tonnes of rock across more than 30 delivery sites impacting the delivery schedule.

The 2024 WA Earth Awards will be held on Friday, September 20, 2024 at Crown Perth, Australia.