Wasa Dredging working in Florø, Norway


Wasa Dredging, on behalf of Kystverket, has commenced a dredging project in Florø, Norway.

Photo courtesy of Ole-Irgen Hammer/Kystverket

Two of the company’s combined dredging/drilling units “Hector” and “Boulder” as well as the EX1200 long-reach land machine are currently working on the project in Florø.

The project consists of deepening and widening the current fairway to a demanding depth of -19,3m, underwater blasting of roughly 94 000m3 of bedrock and dredging of roughly 240 000m3 of blasted rock.
There are also smaller amounts of polluted material to be dredged.

The blasted rock is used to build new land areas around Florø. Wasa’s 940m3 split-barges “Miika II” and “Dana II” are handling the transport of the material to the fillings.

The project, which started in early June, is to be finalized by the 15th of December.