DPWH strengthens flood defense in Pangasinan

Flood Mitigation

The Philippines’ Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has completed two slope protection structures along Agno River to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents, livelihood and properties in Barangay Bogaoan and Barangay Guelew, San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

photo courtesy of dpwh.gov.ph

The construction of the 355.47-meter flood control project in Barangay Bogaoan now protects the residents against the destructive impact of heavy rainfall and typhoons that cause flooding in the vicinity.

According to DPWH Regional Office I Director Ronnel M. Tan, the slope protection will not only help conserve the surrounding environment and mitigate extensive flooding but also ensure the resilience of infrastructure in the area.

Meanwhile, the completed flood mitigation structure in Barangay Guelew alleviate flooding due to river overflow and controls the scouring of land in flood protection embankments.

Funded under the General Appropriations Act of 2024, the food control structure in Barangay Bogaoan and Barangay Guelew has a total cost of P48.99-million (approx. $840.000) and P47.78-million (approx. $825.000), respectively.