Watermaster eco-dredger proves success in Tamil Nadu, India

Flood Mitigation

Preparation activities for a monsoon season are underway in Tamil Nadu, India.

photo courtesy of rdsekarmla X

These operations include:

  • clearing canals with the Watermaster eco-dredger,
  • reducing silt buildup,
  • improving waterflow,
  • preventing flooding during heavy rains.

Many of the city’s canals had become fully silted and swamp-like, covered with condensed water hyacinth and submerged weeds.

Because the canals were choked, they also struggled to carry rainwaters out from the city, causing severe floods during heavy rainfalls.

This flood protection process is to first excavate and rake the trash, debris, silt, water hyacinth and rooted aquatic vegetation to the shore with Watermaster. After that, the machines load the sediment and vegetation into trucks and transport it for further processing or final placement, depending on the material.