Vermilion Harbor Piers: Critical repairs kick off

Breakwater Repair

The USACE Buffalo District and its contractor, Chicago-based Architectural Consulting Group, Ltd., have started repairs on another section of the Vermilion Harbor West Pier.

U.S. Army photo by Andre’ M. Hampton

Vermilion Harbor’s piers ensure the harbor remains economically viable and able to provide safe access for recreation and refuge to boaters on the Great Lakes, said USACE.

Maintaining safe navigation for vessels on Lake Erie and ensuring the viability of Vermilion Harbor for the local and regional economy is among the most critical things we do in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” said Lt. Col. Robert Burnham, USACE Buffalo District commander. “Our partnership with the community, and leaders at the local, state, and federal level are what ensure we can deliver this repair on time, within budget, and as effectively as possible.”

Repairs to approximately 400 feet of the south end of the pier along Wakefield MetroPark began yesterday and will include installation of new retaining wall.

Construction of this $6.3 million project is 100% federally funded and scheduled to be completed this fall.