Breakwater completed at Buffalo Outer Harbor

Breakwater Construction

The breakwater closing off slip 3 at the Buffalo Outer Harbor has been completed, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The breakwater is designed to prepare the slip for the placement of dredged material from the Buffalo River.

It will hold in the dredged material while also having a section below the waterline to allow water flow, access for fish, and travel in and out by non-motorized watercraft.

Three cycles of dredging the Buffalo River in 2024, 2026 and 2028 will gather the approximately 285,000 cubic yards of dredged material that will be used to create 6.7 acres of coastal wetland habitat.

Once dredged material is placed, it will be graded and plantings will be used to stimulate habitat growth.