Van Hollen, Cardin: Boost for Baltimore Harbor and Poplar Island projects


Senator Chris Van Hollen, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Senator Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) have announced the inclusion of $3,030,000 in key Senate Committee legislation providing direct federal funding for two water infrastructure projects in Charles and Wicomico Counties.

photo courtesy of USACE

The Senators fought to include critical resources for Army Corps projects in Maryland, including funds for the Baltimore Harbor and Poplar Island projects, supporting dredging of Maryland’s waterways and shipping channels,” according to an official statement.

Commenting the latest news, Senator Van Hollen said: “These federal funds will support a wide array of Maryland water infrastructure priorities that are vital to our economy and our environment, including dredging the Baltimore Harbor and its channels, restoring Poplar Island, and community projects in Wicomico and Charles Counties. We’ll keep working to deliver these investments to build an even stronger Maryland for all.”

Updating our water infrastructure is critical as we adapt to a changing climate, work to make our water cleaner and build more resilient communities. This bill makes federal investments to help address the worst effects of climate change and ensure access to healthy, safe water including in flood mitigation, dredging for safer waterways, wastewater treatment, renewable energy and so much more,” added Cardin.

These community projects, funded at the Senators’ request, are within the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development (E&W) proposed funding legislation for fiscal year 2025.