Dredging wraps up at Durban Tug Jetty

Business development

Dredging Africa said that the Durban Tug Jetty Project for Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) has been completed.

photo courtesy of Dredging Africa

The Tug Jetty Project involved the construction of a new tug jetty and the extension of the existing jetty.

Our team took on the challenge of dredging the basin to achieve a depth of -8 meters Port Chart Datum, ensuring safe passage for TNPA vessels around the jetties,” said Dredging Africa.

“With precise tolerances of +0 to -500mm for the finished basin floor level, we utilized our Damen cutter suction dredger CSD250 ‘Indlovu’ with 9-meter reach, equipped with an RTK positioning system, and conducted frequent multi-beam surveys to ensure accuracy.”

The project is part of the KwaZulu-Natal Port Master Plan, aimed at positioning the Durban Port as an international container hub.

The older jetty provided accommodation for only 13 marine vessels, and the balance of the fleet was required to be berthed in other areas within the port.