ASBPA presents 2024 Best Restored Shores Awards

Coastal Erosion

The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) has announced the winners of the 2024 Best Restored Shores Awards.

Photo courtesy of the Galveston Bay Foundation

ASBPA established its Best Restored Shores awards program to recognize and encourage more effective coastal risk management that restores natural infrastructure to address growing erosion, flooding, and related hazards associated with increased storm severity and sea level rise.

The 2024 Best Restored Shores awards are Dollar Bay Marsh Restoration, TX; Fort Smallwood Park Shoreline Enhancement, MD; and Lowman Beach Park Shoreline Restoration, WA.

The 2024 Best Restored Shores award recipients will be recognized on August 27, 2024 at the ASBPA National Coastal Conference in Galveston, Texas.

A complete list of Best Restored Shores award recipients are available at ASBPA website.