Tender released for the Port of Koper container terminal expansion project

Project & Tenders

The Port of Koper, Slovenia, has published the public procurement for the extension of the northern part of Pier IV, which will be one of the most important projects of Luka Koper in the next years.

Photo courtesy of Port of Koper

The investment includes the construction of 326 meters of quayside, 7 hectares of stacking and handling areas, dredging and the construction of all supporting infrastructure.

Prior to the implementation of the quayside structure and container storage areas, this EUR 100 million project will include dredging of the seabed to the final depth of 16.0m and disposal of excavated material on land.

Additionally, dredging to -14.5 m in the inlet channel in the immediate vicinity of the newly constructed quayside structure may also be carried out during the construction.

According to the timetable, works are expected to start early next year and should be completed by the end of 2027.

Link to tender documents