CPRA restoring vital marshland in southwest Louisiana

Coastal Protection

Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) recently kicked off work on the 466 acre No Name Bayou Marsh Creation Project.

Photo courtesy of CPRA

Currently the external dikes are under construction with dredging expected to begin later this fall. Containment dikes that are being constructed around the area will keep the material onsite during pumping.

To create and/or nourish the marsh, over 2 million cubic yards of sediment will be placed into the shallow water marsh creation area after being hydraulically pumped from a borrow area in Calcasieu Lake located northeast of the marsh creation area.

The aim of the project is to restore over 500 acres of marsh in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and combat open water formation along the Gulf coastline as a first line of defense for the population center of Lake Charles.