Annual dredging at Port of Weipa complete


North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) has just announced the successful completion of another maintenance dredging season at the Port of Weipa.

Photo courtesy of NQBP

According to NQBP, dredge vessel TSHD Brisbane and its supporting vessels have left the Port of Weipa after completing a 45 day program.

During the 2024 season, around 700,000m3 of natural sediment was removed from the Port of Weipa and placed at the approved Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA), in Albatross Bay. Dredging was also completed at Amrun on behalf of Rio Tinto.

Environmental monitoring and management measures were implemented throughout the campaign to minimise the risk of any potential impacts on the marine environment.

NQBP has managed the annual maintenance dredging program at the Port of Weipa for more than 30 years.