Mexico Beach shoreline protection project

Beach Nourishment

Bay County (FL) and the City of Mexico Beach are working on a project that will restore three-mile stretch of shoreline from the Mexico Beach Canal at the western end to the Gulf County line at the eastern end.

Photo courtesy of the City of Mexico Beach

According to the officials, the full-scale beach nourishment of the Mexico Beach shoreline will be under construction sometime late this fall 2024/winter 2025, with an anticipated completion by May 1st, 2025.

Nearly one million cubic yards of sand will be placed with this beach restoration project for the Mexico Beach shoreline.

The project consists of a dune-only component on the west end of the beach and then transitions to a dune and beach berm around 34th street all the way to the Gulf County line. The beach berm will be extended approximately 175 feet from the seaward toe of the proposed dune.

The sand for the project will be dredged from the permitted, offshore “borrow area” located approximately three miles offshore of Mexico Beach.