Over $50M for harbor projects in Quebec


The Government of Canada recently announced significant investments in fishing harbors across the Gaspé Peninsula, in Quebec.

Photo courtesy of Ellicott

Over the next three years, $50.2 million will be invested to ensure that the region’s fish harvesters and fishing industry have access to safe harbor infrastructure that meets their needs.

These investments will make it possible, in particular, to repair the main breakwater at the Rivière-au-Renard wharf, which was damaged in December 2022 following a severe winter storm.

They will also make it possible to begin the process of divesting the Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine wharf and dredging in Bonaventure, Port-Daniel Est, Saint-Godefroi, etc.

The full list of investments can be found in this Backgrounder.