Another significant project completed by Brennan


J.F. Brennan Company has published an interesting article explaining how the company completed innovative 10+ mile pump using dredge system designed by their employees.

Photo courtesy of J.F. Brennan Company

According to Brennan, the company overcame significant design challenges to complete a dredging project that involved hydraulically pumping slurry over a long distance of 10.4 miles. Brennan employees designed the dredging system and executed the entire project using Brennan-owned pipeline and equipment. 

To pump more than 10 miles and replicate these positive results in such a successful project is a big achievement,” said Vice President of Environmental Services Greg Smith. “We benefit from having our in-house engineers design the system while also having an experienced on-site crew to implement and a fleet of equipment to make projects like this possible for our clients and communities. I am incredibly proud of our entire team.”

The project known as the Bushy Park Dredging Project, included Brennan hydraulically dredging portions of the Cooper River in South Carolina, and pumping slurry 55,000 feet to a confined disposal facility owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Read the full story by Kimberly Walters here.