QR5 opts for IHC Beaver dredger


Philippine dredging company QR5 and Royal IHC have signed a contract for the supply/delivery of a cutter suction dredger Beaver 45.

Photo courtesy of Royal IHC

After a thorough evaluation of potential suppliers of CSDs, the Beaver 45 from IHC Dredging proved to be the most suitable for its first project: the improvement of the Paracale River system.

The Philippines regularly experiences heavy rainfall, causing waterways to silt up. In order to prevent flooding caused by silting up of waterways, the maintenance of waterways is a high priority in the Philippines.

The Department of Public Works and Highways, through the local government, contracted QR5 to work on the Paracale River system in Camarines Norte Province.

IHC Dredging will provide project start-up support for an efficient start of the dredging project and IHC planned maintenance and remote monitoring systems will contribute to keeping the dredger working efficiently throughout the project.