€90M secured for the Darsena terminal project in Livorno

Port Development

European Investment Bank (EIB) and L’Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale have signed a €90 million financing agreement for sustainable expansion of the Port of Livorno.

Photo courtesy of AdSP MTS

The goal is to support the modernization and expansion of the Port of Livorno, helping to increase its productivity, safety, and environmental sustainability.

The funds made available by the EIB to expand the Port of Livorno, which forms part of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor of the TEN-T network, will go towards the construction of the Darsena Europa container terminal.

The Darsena terminal is strategic project to accommodate ships already operating in international traffic, to ensure the competitiveness of the Port of Livorno and safety of navigation there.

In concrete terms, the main operations involve the construction of new breakwaters and related dredging activities, the definition of a containment area for sediment from dredging, and the construction of a new access channel to the port’s terminals.

These infrastructure operations will not only help improve the efficiency and safety of the port, but will also increase its resilience to potential future climate events, such as sea level rise.

They will also help improve the stability of the coastline thanks to the construction of a sand pipeline, which will be used for future nourishment of the sandy coast located immediately north of the mouth of the Arno river’s floodway.