Boskalis Nederland: Start signal for Meanderende Maas project

Flood Mitigation

Boskalis Nederland, together with the client Waterschap Aa and Maas, signed the realization agreement for the project Meanderende Maas earlier this week.

photo courtesy of Boskalis Nederland

With this important milestone, the start signal has been given and the work is about to begin in the following weeks, said Boskalis.

The project is part of the national Flood Protection Program in which the government and regional Water Boards work together to protect the Netherlands against flooding.

Between the towns of Ravenstein and Lith, Boskalis will reinforce the primary flood defense over a distance of 26 kilometers, on behalf of the Aa and Maas Water Board and the cooperating parties in the project.

This dike protects the hinterland against high water from the Meuse river as a result of heavy rainfall and meltwater from the Meuse basin.

Also, Boskalis will widen the river and redevelop an area of around 500 hectares in the floodplain between the dike and the river to create a high-quality ecological landscape that will be attractive for the development of flora and fauna, for recreational purposes and boosts the economy.