USACE seeks input on Fernandina Harbor maintenance dredging


The USACE Jacksonville District is inviting public comments, views, and information regarding the preparation of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document for the maintenance dredging of the federal navigation channel in the vicinity of Fernandina Harbor, Florida.

photo courtesy of USACE

The district has published a scoping letter to solicit public input as it defines issues and concerns that will be addressed in compliance with the NEPA, which was most recently completed in 2000.

According to USACE, the updated NEPA will ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act under the 2020 South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion for Dredging and Material Placement Activities in the Southeast United States (SARBO) and address the realignment of the federal channel away from the Fernandina Harbor Municipal Marina.

The deadline for submitting the comments is July 27, 2024.