Charlevoix Harbor channel dredging completed

Great Lakes Dock and Material has successfully completed maintenance dredging of the Charlevoix Harbor channel in Michigan.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The project included dredging of both inner and outer portions with open water placement of material in Lake Michigan approximately 1.5 miles from the harbor.

To protect fish spawning, the contractor was able to complete the work in early May, in accordance with Michigan Department of Natural Resources regulations.

USACE maintains about one mile of inner channel between Lake Charlevoix and Lake Michigan, supporting the U.S. Coast Guard Station Charlevoix, commercial traffic – including a ferry to Beaver Island and commercial fishing charters – and heavy recreational boat use.

Charlevoix Harbor is a deep draft harbor maintained under the authority of the U.S. Rivers and Harbors Act to 18 feet in Lake Michigan and the inner channels of Lake Charlevoix.