Italdraghe introduces Octopus dredgers

Italdraghe has just introduced its new multifunctional Octopus dredgers.

photo courtesy of Italdraghe

According to the Italian manufacturer of dredging and marine equipment, these machines are meticulously engineered to excel in a variety of dredging tasks:
🔹 Dredging
🔹 Cutting
🔹 Harvesting
🔹 Excavation

photo courtesy of Italdraghe

At the moment, new dredgers are available in three distinct models varying in size and performance:
🔸 Octopus 10 – for dredging heads model BD1 or BD2
🔸 Octopus 40 – designed for dredging heads model BD3 or BD4
🔸 Octopus 90 – featuring an onboard dredging pump with a maximum production capacity of 10,000 m³/h

Each model boasts a highly efficient articulated ladder, ensuring versatility across multiple applications. Octopus dredgers are self-propelled for maximum manoeuvrability and operational autonomy,” said Italdraghe.