Sustainable dredging in the Port of Rotterdam (VIDEO)

Rijkswaterstaat and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are working hard to ensure an accessible port and the hinterland.

Photo and video courtesy of the Port of Rotterdam

To maintain the water depth in the waterways, they dredge and maintain the port basins and navigation channel in the Nieuwe Waterweg.

In doing so, Rijkswaterstaat and the Port of Rotterdam are constantly looking for solutions to ensure these tasks are carried out smarter, more efficiently and more sustainably.

To reduce CO2 emissions and save costs, they run pilots and projects and implement innovative solutions. They also focus on making dredging equipment more sustainable and aim to (re)use the material released during dredging operations in the most sophisticated way possible.

View on Youtube.

This is how Rijkswaterstaat and the Port of Rotterdam innovate navigation-channel maintenance and the dredging process to ensure that their customers can continue to operate successfully. And this is how the two companies contribute to a sustainable, future-proof port.

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