USACE to dredge Bronx River Channel, NY


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District has initiated a project that will dredge Bronx River in New York.

Photo courtesy of USACE

According to the Corps, the proposed maintenance dredging of the Bronx River includes removal of approximately 200,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredge material from a project depth of -10 feet plus 1 foot overdepth Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), with placement at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS).

Maintenance dredging of the Bronx River Channel will be accomplished by a mechanical dredge with an environmental clamshell bucket, or similar.

The purpose of the proposed work is to alleviate the effects of shoaling, thereby assuring safe navigation and facilitating economical use of the Bronx River Channel by commercial interests.

The Bronx River Channel was last dredged in 1991, with the removal of approximately 64,000 CY of material, to a depth of -10 feet MLLW. The dredged material was placed at the former Mud Dump Site in the Atlantic Ocean.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed maintenance dredging of the Bronx River (NY) Federal Navigation Project is 22nd June 2024.