Strengthening European ports’ resilience with CLARION Project

CLARION Project was kicked off in Rotterdam and Delft, The Netherlands, last week.

photo courtesy of Hafen Hamburg

Funded by the Horizon Europe Programme (Project 101147041 – CLARION) and coordinated by TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, the Geotechnical Engineering Section, CLARION is dedicated to enhancing the resilience and sustainability of European ports in the face of climate-related challenges, with a total EU budget of approximately 7 million euros.

In line with the European Commission’s EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change and the European Green Deal, CLARION will support the modal shifts towards low-emission transport systems minimizing environmental impact.

During the project 10 pilot demonstrators will be conducted to test and deploy advanced technologies and strategies focusing on smart quay walls, monitoring system for the corrosion of port infrastructure, dredged sediment reuse, flood impact control, extreme weather forecasting and more, pushing the boundaries of current practices to future-proof port infrastructure also ensuring the transferability of results.

Featuring the top-3 ports in Europe in terms of container throughput, namely Rotterdam, Antwerp/Bruges and Hamburg in the North Sea and the largest European port in the Black Sea, Constanta, CLARION is set to pursue ambitious objectives to increase the operational availability of port infrastructures during extreme events, reducing accidents caused by climate-related disruptions.