New CEDA paper on Environmental Adaptive Management


The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) has released new information paper on Environmental Adaptive Management.

Photo courtesy of CEDA

CEDA – committed to promoting concepts for sustainable dredging and waterborne construction works – supports the concept of Adaptive Management within dredging projects.

Adaptive Management (AM) can be seen as a risk reduction method for projects with inherent uncertainty, put into effect by implementing protocols to reduce uncertainty throughout the general project development.

With regards to environmental effects in particular, adaptive management offers a series of operational opportunities to deal with uncertainties and growing insights along the way.

Thereby, AM has the power to create a win-win situation for all stakeholders by adopting a workable, tailor-made environmental management plan, based on baseline monitoring and pre-project assessments of environmental effects.

The CEDA Environment Commission (CEC) recently decided to establish a Working Group (WG) on Adaptive Management in dredging, marine works, and land reclamation projects. The Working Group has prepared this CEDA information paper on Adaptive Management in relation to potential environmental impacts related to turbidity and other water quality aspects.