Inverclyde Council: Upgrades complete on Inchgreen Marine Park


Over £11m has been invested in a major upgrade of facilities at Inchgreen Marine Park in Inverclyde to help attract new tenants to the site, Inverclyde Council said.

Inverclyde Council photo

The improvement works at the facility in Greenock have been taking place over the last two years as part of a formal joint venture partnership between Peel Ports Clydeport and Inverclyde Council and funded through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.

The project included:

  • upgrades to quay walls,
  • dredging to bring water levels down to navigational depth,
  • refurbishment of the site’s platers’ shed,
  • removing old structures,
  • improving lighting, electrics and internal roadways across the site.

According to the Council, the development is part of the Glasgow City Region City Deal funded by the Scottish and UK governments (£8.4m), Inverclyde Council (£1.36m), and the refurbishment of the Platers Shed was funded from the Scottish Government’s Clyde Mission Fund (£1.36m).

The development works were completed in February.