Dredger SOSPAN DAU gearing up for another campaign in Southsea


Once again, Trailer Hopper Suction Dredger SOSPAN DAU will return to Portsmouth for another spectacular display of ‘rainbowing’ shingle onto the Southsea beach.

Photo courtesy of the Southsea Coastal Scheme

According to KHM Portsmouth, the SOSPAN DAU will be performing beach recharge activities along that area of the seafront between the Hover Port and the Southsea Rowing club building over the High tide windows on the 13 & 14 March 2024.

Last year visitors had the chance to see the same dredging vessel in action replenishing the beach in front of the Pyramids.

In a lot of Southsea the beach is the first line of sea defence so it is important to make sure the beach is topped up and big enough to add protection.

The contractors are planning two loads of material to replenish the coastline near the Rowing Club and Hovertravel (each load lasting two hours).

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