DEME’s dredger D’Artagnan busy at Port Atlantique La Rochelle


DEME Group’s cutter suction dredger (CSD) D’Artagnan is busy deepening the harbour of La Rochelle in a key construction phase of the prestigious PORT HORIZON 2025 extension project.

DEME photo

Despite the challenges of handling the rocky material and stringent environmental regulations, our enthusiastic project team is making good progress and is fully committed to swiftly performing this critical phase so it can deliver the reclaimed land on time,” said DEME.

“Through means of no less than 3 different types of dredgers, we are deepening the current Port zones, but also several berthing pockets for yet-to-be-built quays,” said Jonas Ryvers, project engineer at DEME Group.

“The dredged material is mostly pumped towards a vast reclamation area, where we’re turning a fallow swamp area into a 6 hectare marshaling platform.”

These works will allow Port Atlantique La Rochelle to further develop the port as an important base and logistics hub for offshore wind farms in the region.