Spurn Lightship regeneration project includes dredging


Engineering company Spencer Group has commenced work to create a new permanent home for the Spurn Lightship in Hull Marina.

Photo courtesy of Ashcourt Group

The £30 million Spurn Lightship regeneration project has been launched by Hull City Council to celebrate and preserve Hull’s rich maritime heritage.

The lightship was built in 1927 and served for 48 years as a navigation aid in the approaches of the Humber Estuary. It was decommissioned in 1975 before being bought by Hull City Council and moved to Hull Marina as a museum.

It has been closed since 2018 but is now set to reopen in its new home in the north-west corner of the marina, close to the Murdoch’s Connection footbridge, later in the summer.

The works by Spencer Group will include dredging of the berthing area and the installation of five mooring piles and a steel walkway to allow access onto the lightship once it has been moved into place at its new home, close to the Holiday Inn.