Maintenance dredging of the Port Solent Approaches
ML (UK) Dredging Ltd is about to begin routine maintenance dredging of the Port Solent Approaches.

According to the KHM Portsmouth, dredging will commence on the 12 February 2024 with completion due by early/mid March 2024.
The vessel conducting this task is the “BOXER” (backhoe dredger) which will display the appropriate signals from the COLREGS when conducting the operations, added the KHM Portsmouth.
Spoil from the dredging vessels will be loaded into one of two self-propelled barges, “SPLIT TWO” or “SPLIT THREE” for disposal to the NAB Spoil Ground.
Annually, ML Dredging removes from 5,000 to 10,000 tonnes of silt and mud from the channel, ensuring smooth passage with a depth of 1.5m below chart datum.