Shifting Shoreham shingle to Lancing beaches

Beach Nourishment

Important shingle replenishment work started on the beach between Shoreham and Lancing earlier this month. photo

According to the Environment Agency, this work will help give better protection to local communities from coastal flooding this winter.   

Recent storms eroded away some of the shingle beach in Lancing which provides a soft engineered flood defence.   

Nick Gray, flood and coastal-risk manager at the Environment Agency in Sussex, said: “We are taking shingle from Shoreham Fort and moving it along the beach to the eroded area at Lancing Beach Green.”

As we enter the winter months, it is essential that the shingle beach is maintained to ensure it continues to provide protection to homes and businesses in Shoreham and Lancing.”

Sea levels are projected to rise by over one metre in the south of England this century, and with more frequent powerful storms also predicted, the risk of increased coastal erosion and flooding is likely.”

Moving beach shingle to Lancing will shore up this natural flood defence as sea levels are projected to rise by over one metre in southern of England this century, said EA.