Partnership agreement signed for Nome Harbor dredging project

Representatives with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District and the City of Nome have signed a “project partnership agreement” that advances the construction of the Port of Nome Modification Project.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The document was originally signed by Col. Jeffrey Palazzini, district commander, and John Handeland, mayor of Nome, on Jan. 11 to expand the existing port facilities in Nome.

The agreement describes the project and responsibilities of the federal government and the non-federal sponsor, which is the City of Nome, in the cost sharing and execution of work.

In partnership with the City, USACE designed modifications to the port, also known as Nome Harbor, to alleviate existing vessel restrictions that are imposed by insufficient channel depths and limited harbor space.

The construction project aims to provide larger vessels with improved access to the existing harbor by enlarging the outer basin and creating a new deep-water basin at a depth of minus 40 feet. Dredging is required to deepen and maintain both basins and associated navigation channels.

Currently, ship transportation is limited by existing depths in the outer basin of minus 22 feet. This depth is inadequate to safely accommodate vessels of drafts greater than about 18 feet.

Furthermore, the new construction will extend the west causeway by more than 3,400 feet and construct a new east causeway aligned with F Street. The project will create about 2,000 feet of useable dock moorage area as well as a series of 400-foot docks attached to the causeways.

The preconstruction, engineering and design phase as well as the first phase of construction is funded at $250 million. The total project cost is anticipated at $548 million.

The federal government is paying for 90 percent of the project’s cost share with the non-federal sponsor responsible for the remaining 10 percent. USACE anticipates awarding a construction contract in 2024.