Port of Durban dredging plan introduced
Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a contractor to reconstruct, deepen and lengthen berths 203 to 205 at Durban Container Terminal’s (DCT) Pier 2 North Quay at the Port of Durban over a 5-year construction period starting in 2024.

Initiatives within the plan aim to improve efficiencies and reduce costs for vessels calling at the port by deepening Berths 203, 204 and 205, including the basin and approach channel, deepening from 12.8m to 16.5m.
The KZN Ports Master Plan is expected to create over 570,000 employment opportunities over the next 30 years, said TNPA.
The RFP for the multi-billion-rand main marine construction works package has gone out on tender following all the necessary internal governance approvals and environmental approvals, which were secured in 2015 from competent authorities.
The effective berth length will be increased from 914m to 1.210m to safely accommodate the simultaneous berthing of three Super Post Panamax vessels of 350m in length and draft of 14.5m.
Super Post Panamax vessels currently take up two berths on the North Quay which decreases port container capacity.
An added benefit of increasing the draft is the enablement of vessels requiring a draft deeper than 12.2m to enter the port at any time, thereby reducing the queue of vessels waiting at anchorage and reliance of entering the channel at high tide.
A briefing session about the project has been scheduled for January 29, 2024.