Public comment sought on Key Biscayne CSRM
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District is working on a study that will address coastal storm damages and risks in the Village of Key Biscayne, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

USACE is gathering information to define issues and concerns that will be addressed in an analysis prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and encourages the submission of comments, views and additional information from the public for review and consideration, announced the Army Corps.
The aim of the Key Biscayne Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study is to reduce the risk of future coastal storm damages in the study area that may be driven by flooding, erosion and wave attack, along with the effects of future sea level rise and tidal flooding.
Study objectives include developing proposals to reduce flooding caused by coastal storms, extreme high tides and future projected sea level rise in the study area; and an exploration of opportunities to increase community resiliency from future coastal storms.
The deadline for sending comments on the proposed project is December 27.