Dredger Ursa receiving final touches before trials and delivery


Finnish shipbuilding company Työvene recently held a launching ceremony for the trailer suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Ursa.

Photo courtesy of C-Job

She has now been moved to the outfitting quay where the production will continue towards trials and delivery mid next year.

The dredger, being built for the Poland’s Maritime Administration, will be used by the Maritime office of Gdynia to maintain depth of the main waterway between the Gulf of Gdansk, through the Vistula Lagoon, to the Elbag River.

The newbuild has a capacity of 950 m3, length of 62.75 meters and two propellers. The TSHD contains one suction drag arm with a maximum dredging depth of 18 meters.

Her wheelhouse and accommodation area are placed at the front of the vessel, to ensure that she can pass through the Trasa Unii Europeiskej bridge.

To read more about the vessel’s journey, please click HERE.