Work in full swing on the new terminal in Stornoway


McLaughlin & Harvey (McL&H) recently reported successful completion of the main and linkspan quay combi-walls under the Stornoway Port’s Deep Water Terminal project.

Photo courtesy of McL&H

According to the company, works now have begun to install the main quayside concrete capping beams at the project site. This involves a precast L shaped unit installed on the steel pile wall where an insitu concrete pour is cast.

The new Deep Water Terminal in Stornoway will provide a new facility to support future renewable energy developments.

As well as being able to accommodate on and offshore wind farm vessels and support other energy sector activity, its main berth will be suitable for the largest cruise liners, which will help boost the islands’ important tourism industry.

The project includes construction of a new quay, berthing dolphin and foundation works for a new linkspan as well as the removal of two shipwrecks, and dredging and reclamation works including rock blasting.