WEDA’s Strategic Plan webinar next week

Authorities & Government

The Western Dredging Association underwent a strategic planning process in 2017, with the results from that process enabling WEDA to define the objectives for the organization, make informed decisions on programs, allocate resources effectively, and create a foundation for WEDA to adapt to the unforeseen rapidly changing environment in the years to come.

Photo courtesy of USACE/WEDA

The strategic plan provided a structured framework for WEDA to assess the overall situation, set priorities, and chart a course of action to achieve long-term goals.

The results from the 2017 strategic plan are believed to be behind the organization’s success for the following five-year period.

At the recent 2023 Dredging Summit and Expo, the panel discussion “The Future of WEDA” was postponed. This webinar is in place of the panel discussion. Attending the webinar will give the viewer an awareness of the future direction of WEDA.

During this webinar, the panel will go through the history of WEDA’s strategic planning process, the new mission and vision statements approved Jul 2023, the goals for the membership pillar, the goals for the education pillar, the goals for the publications pillar, the goals for the finances/governance pillar, review the professional expectations document which was just approved mid-2023 and now applies to all members, announce the new governance structure being rolled out after the 2023 the Dredging Summit & Expo.
