BREAKING NEWS: New dredger Yevgeny Pleskevich on its way to Altay Territory


Non-self-propelled dredger, built by Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod based) Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation (SSK), is to be shipped to the Altay Territory in about 40 days.

Transport Ministry of the Altay Territory photo

The key function is dredging aimed at extension of the navigation period, according to the Transport Ministry of the Altay Territory.

The non-self-propelled dredger has been acquired for the region at the expense of federal funds for the first time from 1980. It costs over RUB 1 billion ($10.3 million).

The dredger is named after Yevgeny Pleskevich, an honored river industry worker of the Russian Federation.

According to Victor Tomenko, Governor of the Altay Territory, the special equipment will enhance the capacity of river routes “hence more opportunities for cargo shipments by water and for the development of the entire infrastructure in this area.”