Funding secured for Aberaeron Coastal Defence Scheme


Ceredigion County Council has successfully obtained funding from the Welsh Government to proceed with the construction of the Aberaeron Coastal Defence Scheme.

Ceredigion County Council photo

The £31.59m scheme will be funded through a £26.85m contribution from the Welsh Government’s Coastal Risk Management Programme, together with a £4.74m contribution from Ceredigion County Council.

Councillor Keith Henson, Cabinet Member responsible for Highways and Environmental Services and Carbon Management commented: “The rising sea levels and storms pose a serious threat to our seaside town of Aberaeron. Implementing this scheme will improve the level of protection afforded to the many businesses and homes in the town and will preserve the unique and historical character of the area for future generations.”

“I would like to personally thank officers, consultants and members for their diligence and hours of hard work over the last five years to produce a Coastal Defence Scheme fit for Aberaeron and I look forward to seeing the construction work begin.”

The development of the scheme has been undertaken over a period of 5 years by Council officers, working alongside consultant Engineers Atkins to produce a scheme which will look to:

  • protect the coastline from rising sea levels and storms,
  • protect people and property from flooding,
  • reassure stakeholders that measures are in place to prevent flooding and coastal erosion.

Aberaeron has a dynamic coastline with a legacy of flooding and damage from storms, and with the onset of climate change and the predicted rises in sea levels these events are likely to increase in frequency and severity.

Works to protect Aberaeron from coastal flooding have previously included significant engineering works completed in 2009 at North Beach which included a raised sea wall, beach nourishment and shore control structures.