Beach restoration, coastal protection revive tourism in Saly, Senegal
With the help of the World Bank, the Government of Senegal is reviving tourism as a priority sector to drive economic growth and contribute to job creation.

One initiative is the Senegal Tourism and Enterprise Development Project, a 5-year, $74 million project financed by the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s fund for assisting the world’s poorest countries.
Tourism is one of the most promising sectors for future growth and job creation in Senegal, as recognized in the new national development strategy, Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE). And reversing beach erosion in Saly was critical to revitalizing the tourism sector.
From erosion to restoration
The project helped regain 325,000 sq metres of beach, more than 12 times the initial target of restoring 25,000 sq metres of beach along the coast of Saly.
The beach restoration and coastal protection work included the construction of 19 groins and breakwaters to stabilize a 7 km stretch of beach against erosion, combined with sand dredging/recharging to regain beach surface area that was already lost.
The project has also benefitted fishing communities near Saly.
Beach protection and restoration work was extended to include two fishing villages, enabling fishermen to once again dock their boats at their villages instead of in the neighboring town of Mbour, over 5 kms away.