Hall continues dredging in the Tuvalu area


Hall Contracting continues to make good progress on the implementation of the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP).

Photo courtesy of the Australian High Commission Tuvalu

Hall is delivering the TCAP’s coastal protection works in key locations on the islands of Funafuti, Nanumea and Nanumaga on behalf of the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji, Green Climate Fund and most significantly, the Government and people of Tuvalu.

One of the key features of TCAP is the reclamation of the Funafuti coastline. The reclamation – 780 meters long and 100 meters wide – is designed to remain above sea level rise and the reach of storm waves beyond the year 2100.

Designed using the best available science, informed social, environmental risks management, projections, modeling, and using around 270,000 cubic meters of sand – Funafuti’s reclamation is TCAP’s largest coastal protection work and includes the construction of a small harbour that will provide safe, all-tide access to local fishing vessels.

Launched in August 2017, with US$36 million financing from the Green Climate Fund and U$2.9 million co-financing from the Government of Tuvalu, the 7-year TCAP project is helping strengthen resilience and is focused on improving coastal protection in key locations on the islands of Funafuti, Nanumea and Nanumaga.

Implemented by the UN Development Programme in partnership with the Government, the project is improving coastal protection in key locations on the three islands. While new measures will act as a buffer during storms, the project also strives to build the capacity of national and island governments and local communities in adapting to climate change in the longer term.

The Australian High Commissioner, HE Robin McKenzie OAM recently announced the Australian Government’s AUD $2 million co-financing contribution towards the cost of the TCAP.