Brighton & Hove coastal protection plan on the table


The next steps are being taken on a project which will help protect the Brighton & Hove coastline from the risk of flooding for years to come. photo

Planning and Marine licence applications have been submitted to construct two rock armour revetments, a protective layer of rock, adjacent to Basin Road South. 

The revetments would help to protect these areas from erosion by absorbing the energy from the incoming waves.

Site surveys are being carried out at the moment and if approved, work would begin later in the summer. 

The work is part of a long-term project, called the Brighton Marina to River Adur Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Scheme.

“Working in partnership with Adur District Council, Shoreham Port, the Environment Agency and the Western Esplanade Management Company, its aim is to improve our coastal defences along a 10km stretch between Brighton Marina and the River Adur,” Brighton & Hove City Council said.