DEME presents Annual Report


DEME today presented its first Annual Report since listing on Euronext Brussels.

DEME photo

In the Annual Report, they articulate how DEME continues to shape the world as it plays a key role in the energy transition and tackles global issues such as rising sea levels, a growing population, a reduction of emissions, polluted rivers and soils, and the scarcity of mineral resources.

In their joint message in the Annual Report, CEO Luc Vandenbulcke and Chairman Luc Bertrand, emphasise: “We are certainly pleased with the progress we have made and the results of 2022, which position us well to deliver on our strategic ambitions going forward, but we would like to stress that these results are only possible thanks to DEME’s amazingly smart people – the renowned ‘One DEME, One Team’.”

Dredging & Infra

The Dredging team continued its activities at Abu Qir in Egypt, the largest dredging and land reclamation project in DEME’s history, alongside longstanding maintenance dredging contracts in Europe along the Elbe and Scheldt rivers.

“We also performed a maintenance project in South Korea for the first time in our history,” said DEME.

Another noteworthy project was the successful completion of the modernisation of the Świnoujście-Szczecin fairway in Poland.

DEME’s Infra team also had a busy year as the iconic Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link project ramped up, and work on the Blankenburg Connection, New Lock Terneuzen and Oosterweel Link continued apace.