Wilmington Harbor dredging project complete

Operations & Maintenance

Marinex Construction has successfully completed maintenance dredging at the Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar, North Carolina.


According to the Village of Bald Head Island, the dredging was accomplished with the Marinex cutter suction dredge Savannah.

“Sand disposal is complete! The Marinex crew is now pulling apart the dredge pipe and stacking it for removal from the beach. Please be patient as they move west down South Beach,” the Village said in the update.

Overall, approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards of sand was dredged from the Federal navigation channel and placed on the South Beach on Bald Head Island.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District is responsible for maintaining the existing federal navigation channels into Wilmington Harbor to ensure operational access by both commercial and recreational vessels to port facilities.

Dredging at the Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar usually occurs every two to three years, with beach-compatible material placed alternately on either Oak Island or Bald Head Island within the approved environmental window between November 16 and April 30.