Dredging kicks off at Schnapper Point


Dredging operations at Mornington’s Schnapper Point boat ramp are now underway, Better Boating Victoria (BBV) reports.


“Through the Better Boating Fund’s reinvestment of the boating licence and registration fees, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council last year secured a grant to improve access at a pair of Mornington ramps,” said BBV.

The $158,000 Recreational Boating Access and Dredging Grant has already enabled dredging at Fisherman’s Beach and now the Schnapper Point work is taking place over the next few days.

Access at the ramp will be maintained while crews are on site, and potential navigational hazards marked, but boaters are advised to take extra care in the area, said BBV.

The work should be wrapped up well and truly in time for Easter and school holidays.