Croatan Beach nourishment project on the table

Authorities & Government

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District has received a permit application from the City of Virginia Beach regarding the Croatan Beach Nourishment project.


According to the Corps, the City is proposing to construct beach replenishment (nourishment) project along Croatan Beach by placing approximately 150,000 cubic yards (CY) of sand along approximately 2,900 linear feet of shoreline.

The sand material would be obtained from the federal Atlantic Ocean Channel (AOC), as beneficial use of sediment dredged from the AOC as part of a joint Norfolk Harbor Deepening Project being completed by the Virginia Port Authority (VPA) and Norfolk District.

The purpose of the project is to restore and maintain coastal storm protection to residential structures and infrastructure, restore and enhance public beach recreational usage and safety by increasing beach berm width (advancing shoreline) along the Croatan Beach shoreline.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed Croatan Beach project is April 17, 2023.