HID Shipyard: New chain bucket dredger ready for delivery


HID Shipyard is putting the final touches on the newly built chain bucket dredger before delivery to its new owner.

HID photo

The dredger consists of a series of buckets that are attached to a continuous looped chain, which is driven by a motor.

The buckets scoop up sediment and debris from the bottom of the water body and carry it to the surface, where it is deposited onto a barge or other type of vessel.

This type of dredging equipment is widely used to remove sediment, debris, and other materials from the bottom of water bodies, such as lakes, rivers, and canals.

HID photo

“It has been built to the highest standards of quality and safety, and has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its reliability and durability. It is the largest chain bucket dredger in Shandong, with a capacity of 800T/H,” said HID.

“With its advanced features and capabilities, the chain bucket dredger is sure to be a valuable asset to his new owner.”